Advertisement Page for USP Jubilee Souvenir Programme

Advertisement section cover

One way to thank souvenir programme sponsors: greet them well and gracefully. They will feel your gratitude. Spend for one page just to introduce them and they know how well you have documented and published their sponsorship. University of Southern Philippines (USP) Founder Don Agustin Jereza and Co-founder Doña Beatriz Jereza whose lives the history of USP began, themselves thank the sponsors of the Diamond Jubilee Souvenir Programme.

The final output for this page is in black and white and this is only the cover page. We have spent a great deal of time improving the quality of the sponsors’ advertisements. They were sent in as faxed pages, cut and paste layouts, hand-written drafts, low resolution computer files, and only very few made it to print directly. We had to trace and redraw logos, install the same fonts, enhance photos, or redesign layouts altogether.