updated 2.17.2009
Getting your Kaspersky license key blacklisted can be quiet a nasty experience for the Kaspersky enduser. This will render your installed Kaspersky software useless and unable to run. Your computer is left exposed to viruses, malicious programs, network attacks and what nots. True, Kaspersky Internet Security or Antivirus has proven itself irreplaceable due to its effectivity and performance efficiency, taking only a small amount of computer resources while running protection.
Download Updates Manually
Downloading the update manually results in a bigger download size and longer download time. In the automatic mode, we're only getting the files that we need to update directly from the Kaspersky Labs servers. In manual mode, we end up getting the "whole sack of files" and use it as an update source.
- In your browser, go to www.kaspersky.com.
- In the Kaspersky Labs website, go to Downloads > Antivirus Database Updates. In this page, you will be asked which Kaspersky software version you are going to update. Click your version.
- In the succeeding page, you will be asked how big the "sack of files" you want. You may get the daily, weekly or cumulative update. Since this may be your first time to update, download the cumulative sets of anti-virus databases and databases of network attacks. The filename may be av-i386&ids-cumul.zip.
- Make a new folder in your computer. Let's name it Kaspersky Update.
- Once you have downloaded the zip file which may be av-i386&ids-cumul.zip, extract its contents to the folder we just created. You may delete the original zip file if you are not planning to use it again.
Manual Update Setup
We have to set our Kaspersky software first to update from the downloaded offline database files.
- In the system tray, r-click the Kaspersky icon and select Open Kaspersky Internet Security.
- In the Kaspersky Internet Security panel, select Update tab on the left. Click on Settings.
- In the Settings window that pops up, select Manually under Run Mode.
- Click on Configure... button under Update settings. The Update settings window pops up. In the Update Source tab at the left, uncheck Kaspersky Lab's update servers. Click Add... button. The Select update source window pops up. Select the folder where you previously extracted the database files to. Click OK. Click OK below the Update settings window. Finally, click OK below the Settings window underneath.
Run the Update
Finally, we are ready to run and install the update.
- In the Kaspersky Internet Security panel, click on Update Databases.
- While the update is running, you may click on Details... to see what files are installing. Wait until the update completed successfully. Click on Close button.
Screenshot shows Kaspersky 7 database update in progress.
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2.17.2009. Beginning with Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 (version 8), source update files are downloaded through the Kaspersky program and may be used to manually update other computers with Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 installed.